Saturday, 13 July 2013

IIT Kharagpur Fifty-Ninth Annual Convocation

Jobs/Vacancy 2013-2014

Indian Institute Of Technology IIT Kharagpur

Fifty-Ninth Annual Convocation
              Saturday, July 27,2013
The degree recipients intending to attend the Convocation should report for registration on 26th July, 2013 between 9.30 hrs. and 12.30 hrs. and attend the Rehearsal at 14.30 hrs. Those who have not paid registration fee, they are requested to bring a Demand Draft of Rs.2000/- in favour of IIT Kharagpur payable at Kharagpur on the day of registration. Others are required to bring registration fee payment document. Presence at the Rehearsal on 26th July, 2013 is MANDATORY. Further details will be available at