Monday, 15 July 2013

Delhi Govt. NRHM Jr./Sr. Resident Specialist Jobs/Vacancy 2013-2014 Computer Data Entry Operator

Jobs/Vacancy 2013-2014

Rao Tula Ram Memorial Hospital Jafferpur, New Delhi-110073

Recruitment for the Post of Specialist (NRHM)/Sr. Resident (RTRMH /NRHM)/Jr. Resident / CDEO (NRHM)

Applications are invited for recruitment of following posts in RTRM Hospital:

1.Specialist (O & G /Anesthesia)
2.Senior Resident (O &G/Pediatrics/Anesthesia/
3.Jr. Resident (MBBS)
4.Computer Data Entry Operator

The detail eligibility criteria, no. of vacancies, terms & conditions of recruitments, fee payable and date of interview etc. are available at the website of the Department of Health & Family Welfare (